You runescape accounts was born in a beginner, you came after the island was Lumbridge castle. For beginners, Lumbridge from Varrock to familiarize myself with the map of the city is very necessary. Because Lumbridge no bank, so I need to Varrock bank or desert bank access article. From the castle, eastward along the way north walking across the bridge, you can walk to Varrock. East gate, 10GP every time want to pass out the door is desert region. The COMBAT and early game practice method of Lumbridge] money is the good place early COMBAT training - kill GOBLIN and COW. During the roast beef to supplement by cutting trees, life (and then eat roast beef fire. A beef 3HP +), and can pick some COW HIDE into the desert Varrock bank or senior players make bank sells 100GP - one. Earn money to buy with corresponding equipment upgrading of speed. Another method of comparative Noob money in grocery stores inventory of great UNSTRINGED buy a SYMBOL, 60, and then to the grocery stores sell no inventory, 80 a. When your damage over 8, do not continue to kill cows - to VARROCK sewer or dwarven mine COMBAT training.
Basic knowledge
Dig mines need a spade. In the BAR forging FUNTURE do (small map there are specific mark). Create a HAMMER and a equipment to make Taiwan (small map there are specific mark). Basic knowledge of 2: forging BAR backpack to carry formula: BRONZE: 14 TIN and IRON ORE cooper 14:28 IRON ORE (not recommended), the rate of 50% of STEEL and IRON ORE 9:18:5 MITHITE artificial MITHITE ORE and 20 artificial ADAMANTITE: 4 ADAMANTITE ORE and 24 artificial RUNITE: 3 RUNITE ORE and 24 artificial GOLD: 28 GOLD ORE level: 28 ORE basic knowledge level 3: mining, if don't dig mines bubbles. Otherwise, you will explode ore 1d10 caused the damage, the shovel will damage. The damaged part in the ore can be sold to shovel dwarf the dwarves to help you. Need some money (time) mining, occasional GOLEM'm against you. 'm GOLEM might fall all the shovel, or minerals. Digging shovel, sometimes when the chief will go far. When will the PICKAXE HEAD and picked up a PICKAXE combination can please. Basic knowledge of 4: want to safely in the desert, you dig to COMBAT power leveling runescape at least 29.
Full-time miners · blacksmith methodsPractice skills to 41, then STH with enough money to dwarven MINE (DWARF, distribution maps to buy the shovel (in), recommend buying a PICKAXE STEEL MITHITE a PICKAXE). Then, in the desert of desert started digging. TIN ore can dig (start) and bronze (cooper). 6 in STEEL PICKAXE. At 15 began to dig iron. MITHITE PICKAXE. 21 level in At 41 level from other players that 30K spend buying RUNE PICKAXE. At level 60 Falador to Mining of coal mines that shares blackart lens.
Miners skills
Notice in the desert area 3 is tasted word permutation iron? There is the fastest mining skills training. If enough crazy, you can put in here to dig skills. Two: had better not miner skills and others, especially the ore snatched two kind of situations: 1: the other part better than you. 2: your network card. Miners skills: 3 people often are in the three products word permutation ore mining practice there. When can find him to iron ore, also can pick him down of iron ore. The existence of the desert in ore bank. Miners skill 4: mining level 70 can WILDERLESS to dig deep into the mine to MITHITE ADAMANTITE ore and mine. There's lots of mining level 28 HOB GOBLIN, and will attack, so it is best to take about five shrimp. The insurance is a spade and with only a few shrimp. (if you will, a group of corresponding with RUNES to also can) blacksmith skills 1: copper and tin refining early on, and then to make BRONZE BAR Varrock to increase the smithy equip SMITHING experience. Because of the failure of iron ore, so it is best to 50%, skip directly steelmaking pounds. Tip # 2: the middle game blacksmith mainly by selling ingot money. To the east bank Falador with 120-150GP price to buy coal (themselves), and also to dig into STEEL BAR to the WORLD to sell one. One can sell 500-600GP. Tip # 3: practice blacksmith, gold and silver can also slightly increased SMITHING skills, but they have more experience in CRAFTING skill. Tip # 4: a grocery store blacksmiths there are often sold IRON ORE, artificial Noob, MITHITE ADAMANTITE, ORE, ORE, the GOLD ORE ORE level, STEEL BAR. Don't hesitate, saw just bought. Comprehensive skills with 1: SUPER magic, with a HEART STUFF, some horses with RUNES and Mining to my shovel that shares blackart lens, dig MITHITE ore and artificial spot, refined, so can increase the efficiency of BAR. (note: don't use the wrong with MITHITE some magic, philosophers stone mineral..." MITHITE BAR can also sell players runescape gold 1K: one.